Ep. 2 How to Make Your "GURU" Competition Irrelevant

Written By Dino Gomez

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How to make your competition irrelevant, you’re bigger, better guru competition irrelevant as a brand new online coach. Let’s get into it, guys.

Hey, guys, Dino Gomez here and you are listening to the Secrets of Coaching podcast, where we break down the nuances of growing a seven figure online coaching business and we are about to get started. How to make your competition irrelevant as a new online coach. All right. So, again, a little bit of this guy’s ties into episode number one where we talked a little bit about imposter syndrome.

Right. Am I qualified to be an online coach? And what do I do? How do I make a name for myself?

How do I actually carve out a space in an audience when, you know, you see all these big names on the Internet already or they have these massive followings, they have a massive email list or a huge YouTube channel or they have this podcast. Right.

They have all these things. How do I land clients and differentiate myself? Right. And so that’s what we’re going to be talking about today, is how to basically make it so that there’s no such thing as competition. All right.

And the way that we do this guy is that is all with our messaging as it’s also with our niche selection, which we will talk about. And in particular, it’s about niching down. All right. And so oftentimes brand new coaches, they want to be in a very broad niche and that is difficult to do. All right.

I 100 percent believe the correct way to do things is you start very niche down with your messaging and with who you’re speaking to, your target audience as an online coach. And as you get bigger, then you can go broader. All right.

And so I want to give you guys some examples that ties back into episode number one as far as like, am I qualified to be an online coach? All right. And so I had a client who came to me and said I would love to be an online coach. I just don’t think I’m qualified. And for a client privacy. Well, we’ll say his name is Mark. And so Mark came to me and he’s like and I was like, Mark, like, tell me about yourself.

And he’s like, well, I want to be an online coach, but I don’t know if I’m qualified and I can’t decide what my niche would be. And I was like, no worries. Let’s go through the personality matrix, which is an exercise that we have inside of our program that helps you figure out the right niche for you and we help you validate the niche that it’s going to be, you know, profitable, that there’s actually a market demand for it and that you would otherwise have awesome messaging and we would be able to knitch you down so that you won’t have any competition.

All right. And so we sit down with Mark and we go through this exercise and exercise kind of goes it goes like this is we have him. We have Mark, you know, on a piece of paper, write down all of his accomplishments he’s had in life. All right. He writes those down in one column. And then in the next column, he writes down all of the ways people can relate to him. All right. And because relatability, guys, is how you beat any competitor of any size.

All right. Relatability. I even talked to my business attorney about this. I asked him if I was able to to trademark this this catchphrase. But we’ve all heard people buy from people they know, like and trust. All right. But I firmly believe people buy from people they know, like, trust and relate to. All right. And relatability is massive, is massive and all different levels.

Think about I love stand up comedy. I don’t know about you guys, but I love stand up comedy. And there’s so many different comedians. Right. What makes one comedian funny compared to another? And it’s based on your perception for all of us. There’s that one comedian where their jokes are hilarious because we relate to them so much. We’re like, oh my gosh, like that. Like for me, it’s Kevin Hart. Like Kevin Hart I think is the funniest comedian out there because I’m five foot four, has a grown dude.

All right. So all of his short jokes to slay me because I’m like, dude, I get it. I have a stool that my wife and I keep in almost every bedroom so we can reach stuff on the upper shelf. No joke. Right. So his jokes are funny and that’s why. So he’s actually considered at this point now. Right. One of the top, if not the best comedian out there. But when he started out right.

How did he carve out a space and why did he, you know, gain momentum and things like that? Well, his jokes were just relatable to a lot of different people really quickly. And so he just grew and grew. All right. And so this is what we did.

This is what we like to do with the personality matrix, where we help you find out your coaching niche right as we go. OK, well, how can we position you as a new online coach or even as an established coach who’s who’s struggling to grow their business?

How can we position you to be more relatable to a specific audience? And because when you are more relatable to a specific audience, they’re going to want to work with you want want to buy from you because you have things in common. Right. So with Mark, we had and write down all the things he’s done.

All right. So he wrote down, you know, he has a marketing agency and he’s grown his marketing agency to ten thousand dollars a month. And, you know, he wrote down that he’s a father and he’s married and, you know, he played high school basketball or whatever it is. Right.

He wrote all the big, long list of all the things he’s done. All right. And then in the next column. Right. What are how are all the ways people can relate to you?

How would people describe you? Right. And he’s like, well, again, I’m a dad. I’m a I’m a married. I’m a dad, I’m a husband. He’s like I’m an entrepreneur. People can relate to me in that regard or that’s how they would describe me. He’s like, I’m a military veteran. And he continued down the list of of ways that. People would relate to them in different things. And so and then he goes, but here’s the thing.

You know, again, like he’s like, I don’t I would love to coach, but he’s like, I just don’t know that. I just don’t feel confident enough to coach because, you know, he’s like, I’d like to coach people how to start a marketing agency. But he’s like, I don’t think I’m guru status enough to do so. He’s like, I make six figures, I do ten thousand dollars a month, which I think is awesome.

And, you know, it’s completely changed my life. He’s like, but, you know, he’s a guy there’s so many guys out there that that make millions. He’s like, So how would I compete with them? And I was like, Mark.

I was like, let’s let’s look at your your personality matrix here.

And I looked at that carefully and and I didn’t know that Mark was a military veteran, which I think is just awesome. And I was like, dude, you, like, served in our military.

And he’s like, yeah. And he told me all about it. And he was like he did awesome things and was, you know, went through some crazy things and came out alive and and so I was like, that is unbelievable.

I was like I was like, dude. And by the way, like, so many people would love to make ten thousand dollars a month. Are you kidding me? From home like that is like everybody would love to do that. Right. You don’t have to be the millionaire to be a coach. And so but what I said, Mark, is what we have to do is we have to position you so that people can relate to you.

And so what we had to do was, was we had him build his brand and his messaging and his marketing around how veterans can build a six figure online business. All right. Now, that’s a powerful message, right? Because the relatability there is strong, right? Anybody who, you know, is has served or otherwise appreciates our military is going to be like, yeah, I would like to learn from the military vet rather than from the big name guru who flashes around for hours and stuff like that.

The relatability isn’t there for, you know, the fancy cars and stuff like that. It relates to certain audiences, probably more speaking like the younger audiences and less with the older audiences like, well, you know, once you’re, I don’t know, hopefully 35 or 40, like you’re not hoping to have, you know, 15 Ferraris in the driveway.

I think what you’re after is a little bit more modest because you’re just a matured a little bit. I don’t know, maybe hope I’m not offended anybody. If you want 15 Ferraris, go for it. But it’s just a different relatability. Right. So, so many people are just like, yeah, like I’d rather work with Mark, who has this great messaging and everything he’s doing across all of his branding, all of his all again, all of his marketing everywhere.

It’s the American flag. It’s all about veterans serving veterans. It’s how can we lift each other up? How can we support veteran run businesses? And it’s just so dialed in. His messaging is so dialed in that he’s growing super, super fast and he’s had people reaching out to him left and right. He has landed so many clients so fast. His business is absolutely blown up. And he is still, like, baffled. Like, he doesn’t even he sometimes he messages me and he’s like, I can’t even comprehend how fast things are happening right now.

And guys. And that is a perfect example of two different things. One, right. Understanding what imposter syndrome is right. And understanding you don’t have to be the guru. Right. And to understanding the how powerful relatability is. All right. It’s just so, so massive. Right. And another example of this is with one of our clients. We’ll call her Cheryl for client protection in this in this example. But Cheryl, Cheryl’s awesome.

Cheryl, just a ton of fun to work with and a huge personality and stuff. And she’s like, I want to coach. And she’s like, I have some good results with my marketing agency, you know, with my stuff that I’m doing, my copywriting I’m doing. But she’s like, I you know, she’s funny. She’s like, I, I don’t know who to work with. I don’t know how to nitch down.

And so we figured out, you know, how to help her niching down. And for her it was working specifically with women. And she came up with this awesome brand that women could get around. The message was really cool. Like now she’s coming out with, like apparel and all this stuff to go with it.

But guys, relatability is is massive, is massive, massive, massive, and that is how you crush bigger competition. So in the example that I’ll give for myself is I was trying to I’ve decided at one point in time, a couple of years ago, I was like, I want to also get into online coaching. All right? And I’ve been running a marketing agency for seven years prior to that or eight years prior to that. And I was like, OK, I’m wanted I want to get into on my coaching.

And our marketing agency was crushing it, absolutely crushing it with Facebook advertising for our clients. We were just smashing it. We have one of the first videos on YouTube about Facebook ads. All right. And so we were doing Facebook ads before the gurus were doing Facebook ads, but it just didn’t cross my mind to go out there and produce an online program around it. I was I was slow to get to to that. And but eventually I go, you know what?

Next time, we’re going to create a program around how to run Facebook ads and but at that point in time, our competition had already had like a two year head start. There was already people that were producing Facebook ad programs for two years in front of us all. And so that makes it really tough for us to come into that that market. Right, because our competitors have this big two and that’s two years. Doesn’t sound like a lot for an offline business, for online.

And in a space like that, two years is a massive head start because it’s just market penetration at that point. And as in a niche where you’re learning something technical because it changes so frequently and then the platform becomes saturated. So it really is a lot in that particular particular space.

So I’m sitting there thinking, OK, well, how am I going to carve out an audience here and get people to, you know, like trust and relate to me, considering there’s already like 1000 Facebook ad courses on the market. Right. And and so I thought about it and I was like, you know what?

Let me think about this.

I was like, what did I do prior to Facebook ads? And I was I did the personality matrix. I used to do search engine optimization, which for anybody that’s not technical means. I was one of those nerdy guys that would rank your website and and shout out to all my seo friends who were listening. Like, what? But no, I’m the first to call myself a huge nerd, but I would do that nerdy stuff and rank websites at the top of Google.

All right. And that’s, you know, and that’s what we do for our clients. And so but at some point in time, our agency switched over to just doing Facebook advertising. We found it to be a much better means to getting our clients results and getting our clients results fast and predictably. And so we switched over to Facebook ads.

And but that’s what I realized. I was like, huh? I made the transition from SEO search engine optimization into Facebook ads. We had explosive results. I was like, that is going to be my relatability factor.

I was like, I am going to create a Facebook ads course, a training program, a Facebook ads coaching program, specifically for SEO experts, for, you know, for marketing agencies. All right. And so that became our brand messaging. And what that allowed us to do was absolutely dominate this niche of a massive market.

So there’s this huge market of people that wanted to learn Facebook ads. Right. And then we went into to this particular audience of SEO experts who were doing a lot of Google stuff. And we would talk to them with a very specific message. And we said, hey, guys, it’s easier to land Facebook ad clients than it is to land clients. And you can get them faster. Results is an easier sell and all these different things. And so that was our messaging.

And real quickly, we basically were able to capture the almost the majority of the entire SEO market. Right. We were able to get a lot of them to add on Facebook advertising as an additional service that their agency was offering. And so because of our messaging, because of that relatability, that I also had like a history of being known as an an SEO expert, so to speak. Right. There’s a trust factor there. And I was speaking their language and stuff like on our sales pages and in our webinar and everything like that, I was able to actually say to our audience and speak that SEO terminology.

So they were like, wow, OK, he gets it. He obviously knows SEO and interesting that Facebook ads are working for him so well, I’m going to give it a shot. Right. And so then, you know, at this point in time, we have over 1100, you know, clients inside, high ticket clients inside of that particular program. And the that grew into a seven figure coaching business by itself. And so that, again, guys, it’s just relatability factor.

It’s like it’s so crazy. And so, you know, this podcast is kind of two things. Right. How do you make your competition irrelevant? One, you niche down right to you dial in your messaging, and three, you find your relatability factor. Right. And so, again, that might be just working with moms, just working with dads, you know, just working with husbands, fathers, wives, whatever it might be. Right.

You dial in that very specific messaging to a specific audience. And basically it eliminates your competition. All right.

And so that’s how you beat the mass of gurus or you carve out your space and as a new online coach or if you’re an established online coach and you’re struggling.

Right. Really look at your messaging and relatability factors.

And relatability also is how much you’re showing up to your audience like and not just in business and like in business ways, but like how much are you taking them behind the scenes of your life so they have a chance to like, know, like, trust, and relate to you. So they have a chance to relate to you. Are you showing them are you doing some Facebook lives where you’re walking around or you’re hiking or you’re showing your family or are you posting on social media and literally like showing people who you are as a person?

Right. That builds a lot of trust as well, because, again, when you’re talking about competing against a massive, massive guru who’s kind of like celebrity status. Right. People sometimes don’t have a. Chance to sit down and talk with them, it’s really hard to reach them, so if you’re available right to your particular audience and they see that you’re a regular person and because you’re posting, you know, posting a combination of business related stuff as well as personal stuff, people have a chance to see who you are and they have a chance to relate to you.

Right. And so that in itself will build some trust and will help with any new clients. And so, guys, that is it for this episode.

I hope that’s super helpful and put some things into perspective of how to basically, you know, make your competition irrelevant and crush it, give a couple of case studies as examples there.

And so I hope that’s really helpful for you. Make sure you guys take a close look at your messaging and if you’re showing up and if and how you’re relatable to your audience, because that is the ultimate trust factor in my point of view. So that’s it for this episode, guys.

As always, keep don’t keep doing you and have an awesome blast with your online business this year.

And if you enjoyed this episode, be sure to head on over to the secretsofcoaching.com for more resources, downloads, videos and cheatsheets to help you grow your online coaching business. All right. And if you picked up a cool tip or strategy from this particular episode, we would love a five star review where every single month we choose one lucky winner to win access to one of our coaching programs. All right. So that is it for this episode, guys.

We will see you in the next one.


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